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Help me raise money for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America.....FOR FREE FOR YOU!!

That’s right. We’re giving you one more day to try MMA Speed from Joel and Jericho’s newest program, CORE DE FORCE! If you didn’t get to try this six-round, boxing-influenced workout the first time, this is your chance to try it with your Beachbody On Demand subscription before the program launches on November 1.

MMA Speed is broken into six 3-minute “rounds” that alternate between authentic MMA combinations, bodyweight training, and explosive cardio to help you attack belly fat and carve total-body definition — all without any equipment. It sounds intense, but don’t worry. You can follow the modifier, Jessica, to help you get familiar with the moves!

Plus, to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Beachbody Foundation will donate $10 for every person who streams CORE DE FORCE in honor of the “Be a Positive Force” campaign — up to $250,000! So what are you waiting for? Support the “Littles” across America by trying MMA Speed on Monday, October 24th. If you’re not already a Beachbody On Demand member, you can sign up for a free 30-day membership---ask me how!!

Check out my facebook page!


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