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It's all about MINDSET

Before I really get started I want you to think about your answers to a few questions....

Have you ever stepped on the scale and hated yourself because of a number? 

Have you ever found yourself inexplicably hungry just an hour after eating, when there is truly no good reason as to why you are so hungry?

Have you ever found yourself eating, only to realize it’s because you are sad or tired, rather than actually hungry?

I know I have!

On February 5th I had my very first zoom call with Ilana and she said, "exercise is extra credit."  I became the world’s biggest skeptic for a few moments there, but I had basically already signed my life away, so I kept listening. Ilana has her own personal success story. Ilana has so many successful clients in LA. And Ilana and I have the same nutrition & dietetics degree, so I knew she knew her stuff. But man. I was concerned for a second there. I'm going to lose weight and I don't have to exercise?  That just felt crazy.

But I kept listening to her.  I could just resonate so much with every word she was saying.

Ilana and I have a really similar story— we've both fought off weight our entire lives. We both used that fight to drive our education and careers. So I just felt like she knew ME.

I’m not the least bit kidding when I say I've fought weight off my whole life. My family doctor put me on my first diet at age 3. When I asked my mom how that happened she said didn't realize that kids that young could be overweight. At that time it wasn't something all too common or talked about. She just fed me when I said I was hungry. As a parent of 3 small children, that logic makes perfect sense to me. For me though, there was a major problem with that method, I always ALWAYS felt hungry.

The feelings of constant hunger and the never ending desire to eat combined with the knowledge that I needed to keep my weight lower and the pressure to be skinny, led to a very unhealthy relationship with food-especially in middle & high school.

I don't want to dig too too deep into that today, but I know so many of you can relate to always wanting to be thinner even at a healthy weight, to body dysmorphia, to not realizing how thin you were, and to letting it consume you. I know you can relate to looking over at your skinny friends while they ate that fudge round Debbie cake at the lunch table and you drooled wishing you could eat it and stay skinny....or worse you skipped the rest of your healthy-ish school lunch to only eat the fudge round and still keep lunch under 400 calories.

All of these struggles & battles with my own weight and obsessions over my size led to me choosing to get a degree in Human Nutrition & Dietetics. I wanted to always be able to maintain my own weight and help others reach their personal health goals. I wanted to help others feel good about and believe in themselves.

I graduated from Clemson with my nutrition degree ready to take on the world and pursue a degree in physical therapy at MUSC. I started their doctorate of physical therapy program and two days later found out I was pregnant.

I’m going to skip ahead just a little here. My biggest dream was always to be a SAHM. I desperately desired to spend as much time as possible with my brand new beautiful baby girl, so I found a way to make that happen. I became a nanny and took me daughter with me. My husband hadn't established a career path for himself yet either and we had to hurry to get our lives together.

Ultimately, we both built our own businesses, his a Charleston based landscaping business and mine, this life-altering Health Coaching one. Life turned out really amazing for us, but now I’m really getting ahead of myself.

A couple of years later, we decide to have a second baby.  A few months after he was born I found myself really struggling with my weight.  I also wanted a job that allowed me to invest a little in me.  So I became a Beachbody coach.

I feel in love with the business and the programs. I built an amazing team and had amazing challengers doing it with me. I had incredible results of my own, I had lost 35 pounds and 4 clothes sizes and became a $500 Beachbody ChallengeWinner.

Then we decided it was time to have a third baby. I had an amazing fit pregnancy, delivered at a weight I was pretty happy with, and then life got hard. A lot of crushingly hard things happened and I felt like I was treading water just to stay afloat. I fell right back into my struggle with emotional eating, and despite still working out I found myself gaining weight.

Around this same time, my coach had been chosen for the 2b Mindset Test group and she and I had been working closely together to push for growth in 2018. She got to choose one person to bring along with her who had at least 20 pounds to lose. She could see me struggling with my own health journey while still doing all I could to rock this business and asked me to do it with her!  (I know you already know this, but you can’t rock this business without making your body your business!)

So... What was it like being part of the 2b Mindset test group?...

As part of the test group we got to spend over 10 hours on small zoom calls with Ilana! I absolutely fell in love with her. She is amazing. She is so knowledgeable, so sweet, so caring, and truly listens to what everyone has to say. She is also just so on fire for eating a delicious nutritious diet.

I had forgotten that eating healthy could be fun. I was tired of grilled chicken salads and was wanting Big Billy’s nachos, and she just helped me reverse that mindset and reminded me that a healthy lifestyle could still be enjoyable. Her program reignited my passion for nutrition and helped me fall in love with food in a brand new way—a way that I could feel good about.

This program is so freeing and yet it gives you control. You feel free to love food. You truly enjoy food. But it doesn’t consume you. You do not sit around thinking man I wish I could eat that big greasy cheeseburger. You dream up a big healthy delicious satisfying meal and plan it and love it and enjoy it. And then you are on with your day and free to enjoy life!

Another super freeing portion of the program is exactly what made me question it to begin with:

Exercise is extra credit.

My initial thought was well, Americans aren’t ever going to exercise again. Truth is though, Americans are more active than ever and yet 60% of us are overweight. There are overweight people in gyms all over America right now and they are staying overweight. Why?  Because 80% of your weight loss is dependent upon good nutrition.

Knowing that I could lose weight faster by eating healthy than I could by working out daily freed me to believe that I had not messed up my weight loss when we all got the flu and I missed 6 days of working out and then slowly got back into it. It helped me to handle the days when my kids were too fussy to let me workout. And then there were some days were I hadn’t had a chance to workout until 10 pm, and knowing that I didn’t HAVE to made me WANT to work out.

Another one of my favorite things about this program is that there are literally NO FOOD RESTRICTIONS.

My sister came to Charleston this week and told me right away that she had just told our mom that she was bummed we couldn’t get Ye Old Fashioned ice cream together while she was here because I was part of a test group. She was so excited to find out that we could. And if being allowed to eat ice cream sometimes while following a meal plan doesn’t sound crazy enough, then you might shocked to hear we went to Red’s Icehouse the next day too. And I still lost weight this week! How? Because I was perfectly OK with ordering healthy options. Yes, their fries are amazing, but my mindset has truly changed

It’s the things like that that make this program a lifestyle change. I had given up on the idea of truly reaching a healthy BMI. That goal has come back into vision for me.

Ilana says that this is the last new diet you will ever start. And I truly believe that. I'm down 22 pounds since February 5th and feel free to eat whatever I want. It's just what I want that's changed.

So who is 2b Mindset perfect for?

*People who want or need to follow a weight loss plan with no exercise for any reason
*Someone looking for a lifelong change they can enjoy forever
*People who struggle with an emotional relationship with food
*People who have tried other diets and failed
*college students, young adults, new moms, nursing moms, pre-menopausal women, women in menopause, postmenopausal women


Yes men, your lives are a little less complex than ours! But this program is truly great for just about anyone.  It has an amazing potential to change the lives of so many.  It was seriously be a game changer for our business.  But it can only be a game changer if we use it as one.

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