Prenatal yoga will be your saving grace to keep your muscles strong and supple, improve the flexibility and balance you can lose as your belly grows, and as a bonus, it can help you mentally and physically prepare for labor. This sequence will open tight hips and hamstrings and stretch your tight back. I'm doing this to alleviate some of the lower back or pelvic pain that comes along with pregnancy and thought you may want to do the same! |
PS--Warning...I'm a Mama who does this from home to stay as fit as possible! I'm definitely a work-in-progress when it comes to my yoga practice!

Stand at the front of your mat in Mountain pose. Step open to the right, bringing your legs about three feet apart. Turn your heels in. Bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Lift your arms up, bending your elbows so they are at 90-degree angles, holding Goddess for five breaths.

Lean over to the left, resting your left elbow on your left thigh. Raise your right arm overhead, gazing up at the ceiling, stretching through the right side of the body. Keep your thighs lowered, holding Side Goddess for five breaths. Then rise up and do this pose on the right side.

Press into your feet and rise up to standing. Walk your feet in so they are about hips-distance apart (or slightly wider to make room for your baby bump), and lower your hips down as far as you can. Press your elbows against your inner knees, straightening through your spine, and enjoying Wide Squat for five breaths.

Bring your left arm between your knees, and place your left palm flat on the floor. Lower your left shoulder and reach your fingers as far as you can out to the side, underneath your left shin. Reach your right arm up toward the ceiling, holding Prep For Bound Squat for five breaths. Repeat this pose on the right side.

Lift your torso back to a neutral position, and straighten both legs. Inhale as you turn your toes in and exhale to slowly bend forward, folding at your hips. Try to shift your weight forward into your toes, holding here for five deep breaths.
*Optional variation of Wide-Legged Forward Bend, hold on to opposite elbows and allow your torso to hang*

Sit down and turn your body so it's parallel with your mat. Place your hands behind your hips, so they are directly underneath your shoulders. Place your feet in front of you, about a foot away from your hips. Make sure they are hips-distance apart. Inhale and lift your hips off the ground, coming into Tabletop pose. Relax your head behind you and lift your hips so your thighs are parallel with the floor. Hold for five breaths.

Bend your right knee and place your foot in front of and just to the outside of your right hip. Straighten your left leg in front of you. Press your right elbow to the inside of your right knee and plant your left palm behind your hips. Gently twist to the left, gazing over your left shoulder (Clearly I forgot this part

Extend both legs out wide with your feet flexed. Press your pelvis and hamstrings into the floor to help straighten the spine. Stay here if this is enough of a stretch for the backs of your legs, or walk your hands out in front of you, folding forward into Seated Straddle.

Sit your tush on the floor, bend your knees, and bring the soles of your feet together for Butterfly. Stay seated for five breaths, or fold forward to deeply stretch your hips and lower back.
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