Copying my friend Katie's brilliant idea here!
Daddy’s Cheat Sheet For Labor
-Make arrangements for Jocelyn and AJ
-Make sure everything on our hospital bag checklist is in our bags
-Make sure I eat a high protein meal
-Make sure I drink plenty of fluids
-If contractions are slow at first, make sure I nap and keep the kids out of our room.
-Call hospital/OB office when contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute, for 1 hour OR if you notice sudden changes in my behavior (i.e. not able to talk through contractions)
•When we are admitted to the hospital
-Bring our hospital bag in
-Answer all the nureses questions for me
-Contact our families
•When in active labor
-If I ask for people to stay quiet--MAKE THEM!
-Ask if there is anything you can do for me
-Offer a massage
-Ask if I would like a drink or ice
-Ask if I would like for you to help me get in the shower
-Remind me to breathe deeply and slowly and to relax
-Offer oils on a cotton ball if I am upset or nauseous
-Remind me to change positions often/use birthing ball/walk halls
-Repeat these lines to me:
“You are fearless.”
“You are strong.”
“God designed your body for this purpose.”
“I have complete confidence that your body is working perfectly.”
•If I am stressed or nervous
-Pray with me
-Ask what you can do for me
-ASK if I would like for you to hug or hold me
•When pushing begins
-Ask if I would like to use you for support
-Suggest a change in position if you notice me getting annoyed
•When Brayden is born
-Make sure umbilical cord has STOPPED pulsating BEFORE you cut.
-Make sure he nurses before being examined, unless there is an emergency.
-Our baby is not to be taken out of our room without the reasons being discussed with us first and nurses providing proper identification.
•After we have had proper bonding time
-Send pictures/video call our families
-Allow our visitors to enter the room if I"m OK with it
-Look at our postpartum plan for Brayden’s care. Stay by his side no matter what. You are his protector and advocate.
•If there is an emergency
-ALWAYS ask if there is time to talk about other options.
-YOU are mine and baby's advocate in this case. I may not have the ability to talk or make these decisions. Ask about risks and benefits and weigh the options.
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