Philippians 1:12-26 When you open God’s Word, expect to meet with Him and to learn something about Him. Expect to find more of who He is and what He wants you to be like. In a wonderful way you’ll grow to understand God and His ways if you are open to being changed by what you find in the Scriptures. Every time we read the Bible together, we will begin by praying over the scriptures. As you begin reading, open your heart to the teaching of the Holy Spirit; ask Him to give you understanding and to help you think and act in God’s way. Before we do anything else, I want you to simply read through the passage once. You can print a worksheet out here to follow along with! Once you've printed your worksheet out we can really dive in on learning how to use the "Observe" portion of inductive Bible study! Observations are what you see with your eyes within the text! “You will miss a lot of information if you are only looking at how you are feeling." ...